Coaching Systems CEVO 4 Ambulance/Fire Instructor Course


Coaching Systems CEVO 4 Ambulance/Fire Instructor Development Course (Classroom/Lecture)

Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator (CEVO) 4: AMBULANCE promotes critical thinking during high-pressure driving situations and offers defensive driving strategies to avoid collisions. The course trains emergency vehicle drivers how to navigate through traffic safely in both emergency and non-emergency situations and features videos with ambulance driver simulations followed by group discussions.

What participants will learn

Throughout the 6-hour course, participants will learn defensive driving techniques to maneuver safely through traffic under severe time constraints and stress. Topics include handling blind spots, cushion of safety, navigating through intersections, proper ways to pass and change lanes, backing and parking safely, avoiding tailgaters and improving driver reaction time.

Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator 3: AMBULANCE or FIRE course materials

Instructor Kit – Fully-scripted Instructor manual with group learning activities, discussion diagrams and situation analyses to reinforce key coaching points, observation checklist and a DVD with vehicle inspections and real-life driver scenarios

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