American First Responder
Bloodborne or Airborne Infectious Disease Training
Why Learn Infectious Disease Training?
If you work in a number of occupations, particularly in nursing or as an emergency medical technician (EMT), you are at a pronounced risk of being exposed to Bloodborne/ Airborne pathogens or other occupations that stand the risk of infection from BBPs include police officers, firemen, clinical or laboratory workers, plumbers, hair stylists, and maintenance and custodial employees.
You can acquire pathogens through touching or handling contaminated surfaces, materials, or contaminated sharp edged objects that puncture, cut, or wound skin and causing the pathogens to enter the bloodstream. It is important to note that people who are infected with Bloodborne pathogens may not show any signs or symptoms, so it is essential that ALL persons in the workplace be considered infectious.
So if you are not already educated on how to treat and prevent Bloodborne pathogens from spreading in the workplace, then it is imperative that you take Bloodborne pathogens or airborne training.